
Since 1976, Slaughter Group has been committed to serving individuals, corporations, institutions, and organizations to help them make a significant impact on the human experience. We are a multidisciplinary strategic branding and design firm. Brand design, graphic design, product design, interior design, garden design, architectural design, and interactive design all work, not as unilateral, one-dimensional efforts for brand communication, but in a cross-disciplinary approach to create multidimensional human experiences. The goal is not to create better communications. The goal is to create better, more endearing, and more significant human experiences.

The mission of Slaughter Group is to create an impact of significance.  It is the ripple effect.  It is much like a pebble hitting the water, creating impact, spreading far, touching all in its path.  Every ripple leads to the next.  Everything is connected.  One impact leads to another. We take a holistic approach to creativity.  It is the interconnectivity of thought, the fusing of strategy and creativity, the combining of intellect and emotion. 

But in the end, our philosophy is quite simple.  Our creativity is our gift to be used to impact the lives of others.  Our role is to be a servant leader.  We lead with creativity, but it is grounded in the purpose to always inspire, enlighten, nurture, and motivate.  The destination may be to raise shareholder value or to raise the level of giving. It may be to stimulate purpose or to stimulate growth. Our impact is indeed measured by those returns. But along the path toward that destination, we intend to sow seeds that will bear even richer fruit.  The results are immeasurable.  It’s the yield of lives improved.  It is thus in blurring the lines of the secular and the sacred that we feel our gifts are used in the way for which they were created.  And we have found that when we are faithful to our mission and to our philosophy, it is then that we make the impact of lasting significance.